Functional Neurological Disorder can be a very disabling and devastating condition.
What we know is limited, and new things are being brought to light every day.
In New Zealand we are seeking to build positive pathways for DECT
In the past Functional Neurological Disorder (FND, known as Conversion Disorder prior to 2020) was diagnosed through a process of exclusion of every other possible condition.
Horrifically and historically, it was thought to be a mental disorder, was called Hysteria, and treated with some outrageous torturous devices and medicines.
Patients with FND, historically were subject to instutionalisation, heavy medicines, and psychological manipulation.
Thank Goodness we are in this Century!
As we continue to pull this condition out of the dark ages, we invite you to peruse through our site.
An information Highway for FND Patients, Specialists, Supporters.
Everyday we add something new.
If you have something to add, please feel free to message us here, we look forward to taking a look, and adding valuable information that contributes to global understanding and education.
You could also apply to join our private Facebook Group, FND AWARE NZ, and be greeted daily by a positive and helpful brother and sisterhood that is our group.
Functional Neurological Disorder is sadly missing understanding, quick diagnosis, and often, treatment.
This youtube clip explains the importance of physiotherapy and some of the symptoms involved that they have to 'retrain'.
They talk about how there is no brain damage, but the software isnt talking with the hardware...
Why the Sunflowers?
The sunflower is the international symbol for hidden disabilities.
HDS Australia and New Zealand sell sunflower lanyards, by clicking on the picture to the left, you should visit their website. FND is often a hidden disability, or it is certainly mistaken or misidentified a lot.
Apparently, these are available from NZ major airports as well, grab one as you travel.