Treatments are largely self directed with the help of your medical team....

What I mean by that is that everyone is different, and has different needs.

For the Author, the need to keep moving to prevent muscle wastage and encourage social interaction would guide me to swimming. A weightless method of getting all your body bits moving, its relaxing, and at my own pace.

For others, water is too great a risk, and physiotherapy and massage is the best source of management and relaxation.


It's pretty boring to hear about it, I know that I love my chocolate and coffee and........

The facts are that certain foods should be avoided as much as possible, as they have adverse affects on our already messed up metabolism.

Some of these foods include:

The foods you should be eating regularly include:

Visit FND Hope's Nutrition Page for a more thorough breakdown here.

South Islands Neurology Clinic - Koru Clinic

Click on the picture to the right to transport to The Koru Clinic's Functional Neurology page, with some detailed description on treatments they recommend.

Well worth a read.

Empower Therapy

Empower therapies has a detailed websites offering therpy for numerous nuerological conditions. 

They focus on the stress response, gaining control of it, and developing a path to wellbeing.

Activities and Assitance Dogs - AUS

An Australian organisation called FND AUSTRALIA SUPPORT SERVICES INC has a wonderful page discussing activites and options for therapy that you may enjoy reading.

While in Australia Support Animals are considered, here, in New Zealand, they are not as yet. This does not mean one cant be trained for you in this start, visit the St Johns Website for more information

The picture to the right will take you to the St John's of NZ Pet Therapy page.

Make a phone call, and get more information - it's interesting to see what's involved, how long it will take, and even if you may qualify for consideration.

Swimming is quoted on their site as saying

"For people suffering from FND aerobic exercises can help improve balance, coordination and reduce symptoms like fatigue. Examples of aerobic exercises include walking, running, cycling, swimming and dancing. "

Of course any of these activities are beneficial, and it is important that any activity is done gently, as FND likes to punish the keen the next few days. So before you get sore, stop.

Talk to your GP or Specialist about creating supported activity and nutrition plans to suit your needs.

Lancet website and information on Physio therapy








Clara's Home Yoga

A series designed for FND of yoga and relaxation techniques, that you can practice in the comfort of your own home or space.

Well worth a look see, and if you have that spare moment to give yourself, then do.